14-16 Provision at BSix

Support for home educated students

Year 10 and 11 students, who are home-educated can now access our GCSE and Pre GCSE part-time provision of up to 15 hours per week.

Our programme supports parents and carers with home learning by providing an aspirational and stimulating curriculum which makes learning interactive and enjoyable, leading to excellent outcomes.

Our teachers are fully qualified subject specialist teachers with significant experience of teaching 14–16-year-olds with a proven track record of delivering the curriculum within a year. There is no charge for the course and exam fees are fully covered as part of the programme of study.

The 14-16 Provision situated at our BSix Campus has state-of-the-art facilities including a library, IT suites and Science Labs. The small class setting allows for teachers to provide targeted support to students and maintain high levels of expectations.

Students demonstrate excellent behaviours and we implement rigorous quality assurance procedures which maximise student outcomes as observed by Ofsted. Students have access to a range of services, including counselling and mental health services, career services and muti-faith rooms. Students also benefit from comprehensive enrichment opportunities offered both on and offsite. All of our 14-16 students receive a free school lunch with a range of meal options including halal.

  • How to apply

    There are several open events held throughout the academic year. We encourage you to attend the open events where you can speak to our 14-16 Team, who will be able to answer any questions you may have. All open event details can be found on our website. As we have limited places on our programmes, we suggest you complete your expression of interest at the earliest opportunity.

    Once you have completed an expression of interest form, we will invite you and your child to visit and enrol with the college. This will involve a 2–3-hour English and Maths assessment to determine your child’s level and decide which course is the most appropriate.

  • How does the 14-16 provision differ from a school environment?

    The provision is based within college and supports students to transition to adult life. It encourages independence and a more mature way of studying and developing critical thinking skills. We are fully compliant with safeguarding legislation and our 14-16 provision has its own discrete area.

  • What days will my child come to college?

    Your child will be required to attend three days a week. This will be either Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays or Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays depending on the programme of study.

  • Will my child be allowed outside at lunchtime?

    All 14-16 students remain on site. There are lots of activities students can take part in during the break and lunchtime.

  • Where can I find course information?

    All course information will be given to you when you visit the college.

  • Will my child need to wear a uniform?

    Yes, all 14-16 students wear a full school uniform.

    • Black Trousers (No jeans or leggings)
    • Black Skirt (skirts to be knee length or longer)
    • White polo shirt with New City College Logo
    • Navy blue coloured standard style salwar kameez
    • If you wish to wear a headscarf (Hijab) this should be in navy blue
    • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with New City College logo

    • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with New City College logo
    • Black Trousers (No jeans or leggings)
    • White polo shirt with New City College logo

    Foot Wear
    All Pupils should wear plain, black shoes (no trainers, plimsolls or boots) and all laces
    must be black.

    PE Kit
    • Light blue polo shirt
    • Navy blue jogging bottoms
    • Trainers

    All items of school uniform that requires a school logo can be purchased from the link


  • Can my child apply to go straight to Year 11?

    Yes, depending on your child’s assessment, they can enrol on our Year 11 programme

  • My child is/will be in Year 9 before September, can they still enrol?

    Unfortunately, we can only enrol year 10 and year 11 students.

  • How will you safeguard my child when at college?

    All home-educated students will have classes in discrete classes with other home-educated students. We have a designated 14-16 area, where students can spend their social time. All 14-16 students are always supervised and there are CCTV cameras throughout the college. In addition, all 14-16 students wear a red lanyard and school uniform to make themselves easily identifiable.

  • My child has additional learning needs, how will they be supported?

    Please let the college know so that we can support your child. Your child may be referred to our SENCO who will devise an individualised support plan for your child.

  • How can I support my child?

    Encourage your child to tell you what they are learning in college and check they have completed their homework. We recommend all students read at home for at least one hour per day.