The Performing Arts and Theatre industries are broad programmes that introduce you to the traditional disciplines of acting, physical theatre and dance, but also cover elements of technical theatre and production. The programme allows you to develop skills for traditional roles but also allows you to cover skills for recorded and digital work. The broad programmes are ideal to explore the kinds of performance or technical role that leads to your industry specialism.
The Performing Arts programmes are delivered in purpose-built theatre and dance studio spaces, designed to replicate both the stage and back-stage experiences of a working theatre. Students also have access to dedicated IT spaces for coursework. Our tutors all have relevant experience of industry bringing a wide range of experience and expertise to the programmes.
As part of one of our working theatre companies you will take part in regular performances throughout the year, and you will get the opportunity for a lead role as part of your Final Major Project. On some projects you may be expected to adopt a formal industry role. You are encouraged to consider what kind of industry role you might adopt after college or University or consider your own performance-related business venture.
Course Content:
Your work is continuously assessed, so NO exams!
This is a highly practical studio-based one-year programme, designed to give learners the opportunities to practise developing key employability skills in relation to the performing arts industry. These fall into three main categories:
- cognitive and problem-solving skills: using critical thinking, approaching non-routine problems applying expert and creative solutions, using systems and technology
- interpersonal skills: communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation
- interpersonal skills: self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development.
The content of this qualification supports progression to further study or training at Level 3. The content is appropriate for study at Level 2, and consistent with current industry practice, providing learners with a foundation in the skills needed to progress to further education with an understanding of industry and the roles and opportunities available to them. Learners taking this qualification will study seven mandatory units:
- Skills development for performing arts
- Professional development Creative interpretation audition and portfolio process
- Preparing for a performing arts production
- Performing arts production Responding to a progression opportunity