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The Electrical and Electronics Engineering HNC (RQF) course, awarded by Pearson, provides students with a firm grounding in the fundamental engineering principles that are key to all engineering roles, whilst providing the opportunity to begin to specialise in a field of interest.
The course is perfect for students looking to progress from full-time level 3 study and also for those students who are already employed and are looking to extend their knowledge to progress their career. This stimulating and challenging programme of study has been designed in conjunction with industry leaders and provides the core elements for successful career progression in the electronics and electrical engineering industry.
Successful completion of this course satisfies the academic requirements for the Engineering Council's Engineering Technician standard. Upon completion of the course, students are able to refer to themselves as Engineering Technicians (EngTech) and apply for Engineering Council membership. This is a classroom-based course.
Example of course modules delivered over two years:
- Core engineering: Engineering Design, Engineering Maths, Engineering Science, Managing a Professional Engineering Project (set by Pearson)
- Electrical and Electronics focussed: Electrical and Electronic Principles, Renewable Energy, Engineering Management, Electrical Sytems and Fault Finding
The course operates on a modular basis with each module carrying 15 academic credits. Full-time students take modules worth 60 credits per semester, with part-time students taking 30 credits. The full HNC qualification is equivalent to 120 credits.