Students learn from the experts at Plumbing Industry event

Students learn from the experts at Plumbing Industry event

An exciting Industry Day with live demos and competitions was held at our brand new £15m New City College Construction & Engineering Centre in Rainham for Plumbing students.

The day, held in conjunction with SoPHE (The Society of Public and Health Engineers) involved students studying on courses from Level 1 to Level 3 from across the NCC group at our Havering, Tower Hamlets and Epping Forest campuses.

Industry experts were on hand to guide students as they competed in competitions during the day.

Level 1 students had to demonstrate good hand skills in bending, soldering and measurement, which they have been learning in their first year of study.

Level 2 and Level 3 students had a more challenging task.  They had to learn new skills during the demos which were not part of their curriculum. Techniques such as hard soldering and brazing on 55mm and 75mm copper pipe work were mastered.

After practising the students then had to compete against each other to demonstrate what they had learned in a short space of time.

The day brought together domestic plumbing and commercial installation techniques and was only possible through the support that the college receives from industry partners and SoPHE in delivering the current plumbing curriculum offered to students, which has improved greatly over the years.

Rennie Llewellyn, Senior Curriculum Manager for Plumbing at New City College, said: “We would like to thank Jonathan Grant, Peter White, Mark Davies (Kylemore), Sanjay Modasia, and all the other members of SoPHE for organising this event. Without them this would not have been possible.

“We would also like to thank PEGLER, Chris Barling from Abbots Engineering, James Gabby from Ashworth UK, David Hodgson from BSS and Richard Hayward from ME Hire. These employers and companies sponsored the event and supplied materials and prizes.

He added that special thanks went to Chris Snit for the Bursary for the Level 2 first prize winner.
