Music students are pitch perfect at Royal Albert Hall audition

Music students are pitch perfect at Royal Albert Hall audition

Music students from NCC Havering Sixth Form were praised for their outstanding performances and songwriting skills during a competition at the Royal Albert Hall during the summer break.

Two groups of students were selected to audition in front of a judging panel to win a place in the Futuremakers concert which takes place at the Royal Albert Hall in October.

Founder members of the band Annotate – Thomas Young (guitar) and Daniel Young (drums) – played a brilliant version of their original song ‘Next In Line’ which impressed the panel.

Then a group of students from the A Level Music, BTEC Music Performance and the A Level Music Technology courses played student Ezekiel Zantua’s composition ‘Soul of Motion’. The line-up for this band was Ezekiel Zantua (drums), Tori-Belle Pitt (keyboard bass), Rebeca Stratulat (piano), Ciel Hersom (vocals) and Thomas Middleton (guitar).

The judges were full of praise for the fantastic performances from our talented students and particularly noted their creative songwriting skills.

Both bands are now waiting anxiously to find out whether they were successful in the competition and if they will progress to perform at the Albert Hall concert.

If they win the overall competition, they will receive a year of support from the Royal Albert Hall and their industry partners.

Music teacher, Chris Donnelly, said:  “I would like to say a huge well done to our students for writing such fantastic songs, getting through to the auditions and for putting in really excellent performances under a lot of pressure.

“It would be wonderful to see them all performing in the Albert Hall in October and I think both groups deserve to be there. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the judges agree.”

As well as the competition, Music students have been busy attending other summer events.

Highlights include sharing the stage with NCC Ardleigh Green students at the end of year music showcase at the Queens Theatre, Hornchurch, playing for the Arts Exhibition showcase at Minster Court, playing for the end of year student awards at Havering Sixth Form and accompanying local primary schools for the Havering Music Service Junior Festival at the Queens Theatre.

Join us for exciting opportunities! It’s not too late to enrol on our Music courses.

Music students from New City College Havering Sixth Form were praised by judges for their outstanding performances during a competition at the Royal Albert Hall in London.