Support For Students

What support is in place for students?

There are staff available on your campus to support you with anything from personal issues, your next steps after college, financial advice and support for your health and wellbeing.

Please read the information below about you can access the support on offer at New City College.

  • Careers Advice and Guidance

    Our careers teams on every campus deliver high quality, impartial careers advice to all our students and will support you to reach your future goals.

    Visit our Careers Advice page to find out about the support in place.

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Your mental health and wellbeing is always our priority. Our expert teams listen without judgement and encourage you to connect with others, in the way that most helps you personally.

    Please visit our mental health and wellbeing page.


  • Welfare Advice

    Welfare Advisers are available to help students overcome barriers they may face while studying. Advisers can help with a range of issues that may affect students, such as: ​​​​​​​   

    • Housing
    • Homelessness 
    • Welfare benefits 
    • Immigration 
    • Financial hardship

    For appointments and referrals, staff and students can contact the Welfare Advisors by emailing:

  • Financial Support

    Lots of our students receive financial help through our bursary which is open to adult and young students.

    Please visit our financial support page to find out more.

  • Safeguarding at New City College

    Safeguarding is about keeping our students safe, both inside and outside of college. New City College is committed to safeguarding and student safety.

    If you are a New City College student and you feel unsafe or would like to tell us about a safeguarding concern:

    • Speak to a safeguarding officer at your campus or any other member of staff.
    • Or email:

    Please visit our Safeguarding page.

  • Staying Safe Online

    Once you are a New City College student we will only email you on your college email account.

    ​The college will never contact your personal email address to ask for bank details.
    If you receive an email to your personal email address from an account that looks similar to the college (but from a gmail or yahoo account for example) it will be a fake email. Please delete it immediately. Do not send your bank details.
    We will only contact you about finance and bursary via your college email address
  • 16-19 Tuition Fund

    New City College is committed to supporting learners so that they can achieve their full potential. We have a £1.3 million additional tuition fund.

    We are using this fund to:

    • Support learners who have not achieved grade 5 in English & or Maths by age 16
    • Support these learners in small groups of 3-5, above and beyond their standard lesson time
    • Provide extra revision and skill-based sessions in small groups for those who most need it
    • Give additional support to individuals and small groups within lessons, with a particular focus on those who would most benefit
  • VLE Support

    Please visit our our VLE support page that explains how to log in to the College network (VLE) from outside the College.

  • LAC and Care Leavers

    We want to support you to achieve highly, so please tell us if you are a looked after child (also known as child looked after) or care leaver.

    We aim to help you succeed at college and to enhance your experience, development and progression opportunities. We work in partnership with Virtual Schools and Personal Advisers to achieve your goals.

    You may also be eligible for financial support of up to £1200 per year and free college meals.

    Please tell us if you are care experienced at enrolment so that we can support you from the very start. This also means we can give you all the information you need to apply for financial support.

    If you become a looked after child during your course, please tell your tutor.

    If you are a professional working with a care experienced young person, please get in touch via our LAC Co-ordinator Rajia

    Miranda Gay is the Group Head of Safeguarding.

    Narzny Khan, Principal Redbridge and Epping Forest Campuses is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for New City College.