Careers Advice and Guidance

Our careers teams on every campus deliver high quality, impartial careers advice to all our students

Your future is safe with us

Our Careers Advice teams will support you to reach your future goals.

Preparing students for the future is an integral part of everything we do at New City College. Whether you want to go to university or straight into employment, our friendly careers staff are committed to helping students get on the right career path.

Our qualified Careers Advisers are on hand to assist you with making those important decisions about career and course choices. Whether you need support with developing your employability skills, or you are investigating your future options when you leave us, we’ll be there to help you through the process. We operate an appointment service and booked appointments are available for more in-depth discussions.

  • Careers Support you can expect from us

    Qualified Careers Advisers to support you at all our campuses

    Helping you to choose the right course

    Supporting you with career decision making or managing career change 

    Exploring your individual progression opportunities 

    Job search, creating a CV, preparation for job applications and job interviews 

    Applying to university through UCAS and writing personal statements 

    Applying for Advanced Learner Loans and Higher Education Student Finance 

    Advice on alternatives to university 

    Information on fees and financial support available to students 

  • National Careers Service

    New City College work in partnership with the National Careers Service to deliver high-quality impartial careers advice and guidance for adults. 

  • Resources & Labour Market Information (LMI)

    All our campuses are equipped with up-to-date careers and employability resources, university prospectuses, and links to careers and study opportunities and events.   

    Students at New City College have access to a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) where you will be able to access an abundance of careers, courses, employability, UCAS, and university resources to support you through your career journey. Examples include how to write an impressive CV, or apply for a university or apprenticeship course, find apprenticeships, and discover Careers fairs.



    To see more, view our career explorer page.

  • Careers and HE Fairs

    At New City college we deliver Careers Fairs across our campuses to provide you with the opportunity to meet recruiters and find out about employment and training opportunities on offer from different organisations. A broad range of employers attend our fairs, from international organisations to small and medium businesses, so you can really compare what they have to offer. 

    Our annual Higher Education fairs across our campuses provides a fantastic opportunity to meet university representatives in person, research university course options, find out advice on the application process both in the UK and overseas, and enhance your knowledge. You will also have the opportunity to review the courses you are interested in and discuss the links to career paths.

  • Careers Information for Parents and Careers

    As a parent, you are incredibly influential when it comes to the decisions your child makes in all areas of their lives, particularly when it comes to their education and careers. We know that the choices which are open to your child today may be very different from when you were in their position and you may feel as if you’re unsure about what advice to offer.

    At New City College we want to support parents with more information about some of the things they may need to consider when helping their child with making decisions.


    Resources for Parents

    Careers and Enterprise – Talking futures

    Parental guidance – Job market

    Parental guidance – Labour market information

    Parents guide of how to apply for apprenticeships

    UCAS – Clearing guide for parents

  • GATSBY benchmarks

    Our Careers service is accredited to the Matrix Standard Award for Information, Advice, and Guidance, and is committed to working in line with the GATSBY benchmarks

  • Your Feedback

    At New City College, we are very proud of the work we do to make sure students have all the information they need to plan for their future. We regularly review and update our website and our careers programme to ensure we are meeting the needs of both parents and students. We are keen to hear feedback from you about the Careers information on this website and how it has helped you to prepare for your next steps into education or training. We also welcome any suggestions to further improve the service as we always strive for continuous development.  

    Please email us at 

  • Contact Us

    Come and see us for support! We operate both a drop-in service and by individual appointments. Our friendly Career Advisers are available to support you to make your first steps toward the career of your dreams. 

    Please email us at 

    Careers LeadImran Ahmed

    And for general enquiries telephone 0330 135 9000