Performing Arts Academy students say farewell to theatre director who created a lasting legacy

Performing Arts Academy students say farewell to theatre director who created a lasting legacy

New City College Performing Arts Academy students said a fond farewell and a massive thank you to departing Queen’s Theatre Executive Director Mathew Russell.

Mathew, who has headed up the fantastic Queen’s Theatre in Hornchurch for seven years, was instrumental in bringing outstanding arts and cultural opportunities to New City College students at our Ardleigh Green and Havering Sixth Form campuses.

NCC Principal Janet Smith said everyone at the college was sorry to see Mathew go as he had created a lasting legacy in the community and had raised the profile of the arts.

Under Mathew’s guidance, the partnership between the theatre and New City College was formed, which has given Performing Arts students so many beneficial experiences – including the chance to perform on stage with professional actors and work behind the scenes on major productions.

Andy Greaves, Deputy Group Curriculum Director, Creative and Digital at New City College, said: “We wanted to show our appreciation to Mathew for everything he has done for the college and our students. We’re very proud of our partnership with the Queen’s Theatre and Mathew has worked hard with us to make the project a success.”

New City College Performing Arts Academy students said a fond farewell and a massive thank you to departing Executive Director Mathew Russell from the Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch,

Principal Janet Smith added: “We very much appreciate the incredible support and amazing opportunities that Mathew has given to our young people.

“We are really sad to see him go as he has been instrumental in developing the Arts in Havering and particularly, for fostering a strong partnership between the Queen’s Theatre and the college.

“Our students have benefited immensely from the experiences they have had in working with the team at the theatre which have developed their knowledge and confidence in working in the industry.

“Mathew’s vision and enthusiasm has created a lasting legacy in our community – raising the profile of the Arts and developing artists of the future.  We wish him every success in his future endeavours.”

Mathew left the theatre in May 2024 to work on a portfolio of projects with different organisations.

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