Four students from New City College’s Construction & Engineering Centre in Rainham have recently become the first to complete highly successful work placements with the Breyer Group – thanks to a fantastic partnership with a former student.
The students, who were all studying the Level 3 BTEC Construction & the Built Environment course, were offered the opportunity thanks to ex-student Dan Williamson, who is now Breyer’s Commercial Manager.
Dan said: “As a student, I completed my BTEC at the college and went on to work for Breyer who supported my education through funding and a day release programme. I really appreciated the opportunities that Breyer gave me, so I was keen to offer similar opportunities to other New City College students.
“Because of their strong focus on social value, Breyer was more than happy to support this and recognised that it was also an opportunity to find and grow talented new team members.”
The four NCC students who undertook the six-month, two-day-a-week work experience opportunity were Ron Terholli, Jamie Hill, D’Andre Nichols and Johanna Jade Bispham.