Age 16-18 Age 16-18 Age 16-18A LevelsBTEC/VocationalT LevelsApprenticeshipsGCSEsFoundation Learning SENDApplication Support (16-18 students)
Adult Courses Adult Courses Adult CoursesAdult CoursesFree Short CoursesEmployability CoursesBlended CoursesEssential SkillsFree Level 3 QualificationsLeisure and Wellbeing
Age 16-18 Age 16-18 Age 16-18A LevelsBTEC/VocationalT LevelsApprenticeshipsGCSEsFoundation Learning SENDApplication Support (16-18 students)
Adult Courses Adult Courses Adult CoursesAdult CoursesFree Short CoursesEmployability CoursesBlended CoursesEssential SkillsFree Level 3 QualificationsLeisure and Wellbeing
Studied Sports and Fitness diploma now coaching full time with the West Ham United Football Foundation
Student stories Jelena Scegolevatiha Jelena Scegolevatiha’s journey with New City College saw her rise from an ESOL student who s...
Student stories Rhys Huckins Rhys landed his dream job working on offshore research projects in the Norwegian Fjords and ...
Student stories PC Donald Police Constable Donald is a former student at New City College, who recently returned to Ha...