Mohammed studied the Level 1 Certificate in Employability Skills (SBWA – Civil Service Careers Training) course online with a base at NCC Hackney campus because, as an older student, he was keen to find a new job within the Civil Service.
What are your plans for next steps?
I am applying for jobs as my goal is to get a role in the civil services industry. I am also keen to study other Civil Services courses at a higher level at NCC so that I can expand my knowledge and add to my qualifications.
What motivated you to choose a Civil Services course/apprenticeship?
I had a keen interest in working for the government, so I knew that my chances of getting a job would be boosted by studying this course because I would be given knowledge about the industry and I would be provided with support which would give me the confidence to apply for a variety of positions in the Civil Service.
Do you feel the College has contributed to your success?
Yes absolutely! Before I started the course, I did not know anything so when I heard that New City College was running this course, I immediately applied for it. When I started looking at the requirements needed for a job in the Civil Service, I realised how beneficial it would be for me to study the course, because all the information included in the learning is applicable to the job roles I was looking at.
What have you learned from the course?
I have realised that it is always good to take notes, notes and more notes! Whenever I am stuck on how to answer any questions, I go back to the notes I wrote down and I always find the answer! I have had a positive experience at NCC as it has helped me to stay on track. The online learning is good and the tutors supported me and worked very collaboratively with us. I have learned life skills which have given me the confidence to consider applying for customer services advisor roles at the Home Office.
I am really looking forward to the chance to work as a civil servant.