Outstanding students who have worked hard and achieved brilliant success – many overcoming personal adversity – were honoured at the 30th Anniversary Havering Sixth Form Awards presentation evening.
The sixth form, now part of New City College, was formed in the academic year 1991-2, on the site of the old Dury Falls School in Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch.
To mark 30 years of achievement, the awards evening included a photographic exhibition of the construction of the building, a display of historic prospectuses and a student success roll of honour for each individual year, from 1991 to 2021.
Original Principal David Blake, who oversaw the design of the college and retired in 2006, returned to present long-service awards to four members of staff who have worked at the college since it opened. He said he was honoured to have been asked to hand over the prestigious awards to such dedicated and committed staff.