Awards for exceptional students as Havering Sixth Form celebrates its 30th Anniversary

Awards for exceptional students as Havering Sixth Form celebrates its 30th Anniversary

Outstanding students who have worked hard and achieved brilliant success – many overcoming personal adversity – were honoured at the 30th Anniversary Havering Sixth Form Awards presentation evening.

The sixth form, now part of New City College, was formed in the academic year 1991-2, on the site of the old Dury Falls School in Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch.

To mark 30 years of achievement, the awards evening included a photographic exhibition of the construction of the building, a display of historic prospectuses and a student success roll of honour for each individual year, from 1991 to 2021.

Original Principal David Blake, who oversaw the design of the college and retired in 2006, returned to present long-service awards to four members of staff who have worked at the college since it opened. He said he was honoured to have been asked to hand over the prestigious awards to such dedicated and committed staff.

Three former students – Dorothy Abiola, now an NHS Hospital Doctor, Jake Banfield, a professional magician and Seun Ogundele, a PhD student at Cambridge University – gave inspiring speeches about how the college had shaped their futures and helped them forge successful careers. Other alumni, Junior Doctor Munaib Chowdhury and Olympic Ice Hockey referee Joy Johnston, now Head of Governance for Sport England, both sent video messages. And former student and now TV personality Sara Pascoe, currently hosting the BBC’s Great British Sewing Bee, sent the students a message of congratulations.

The Mayor of Havering, Councillor Trevor McKeever, gave a heartfelt closing speech saying he was truly humbled from hearing of the achievements of so many students who had overcome life’s challenges to be successful through such wonderful determination and commitment.

Award winners, their families, guests and staff enjoyed some delicious canapes and drinks prepared by New City College Catering students at the reception where current sixth form Music students played the piano.

During the ceremony, citations were read out in honour of the worthy winners describing how they had shown tenacity, resilience and compassion for others.

Awards included Student of the Year for each subject area as well as Contribution to College Life, Outstanding Contribution to the Community, Academic Achievement and Team of the Year.

Principal Janet Smith said: “Tonight has been a very special occasion to mark the 30th Anniversary of Havering Sixth Form and I am extremely proud of these exceptional young people who deserve to be celebrated and recognised for their incredible achievements. It has also been a wonderful opportunity to look back over the last 30 years of tremendous success of the sixth form.”
