New City College recently held an exciting day of learning where students at the Rainham Construction and Engineering Centre took part in an educational Build A Car programme.
Held in collaboration with The Engineering and Design Institute (TEDI-London), the event gave students the chance to compete against each other as they designed and then raced the miniature cars they had created.
Under the guidance of TEDI professionals, the students put their engineering and construction skills to the test. The day kicked off with a design workshop where they brainstormed ideas and drafted their plans. They then had to find innovative solutions to any problems as they built the vehicles with the limited materials they were given.
Finally, they tested their cars and then raced them in an exciting competition to show off speed and stability.
One student said: “The day was really good. It was a fun and practical way for us to use what we have learnt in our lessons. We had to work together as teams and think critically, which will definitely benefit us in our future careers.”