

Ivanina is an Art & Design student who took part in an exhibition called Who am I? which was held at Hoxton Hall in Hackney to give students across the Creative Arts Department an opportunity to showcase and sell their work to visitors.

We caught up for a Q&A with Ivanina, who attends the NCC Hackney campus. She has completed the Level 2 Art & Design and is mid-way through the Level 3 course, having achieved a Merit in her first year and grades 4 in her GCSE English and Maths resits.


Why did you decide to study this course?

I thought the course would be perfect for me because I have always been interested in Art and I want to become an interior designer in the future, so this will give me a great foundation.

How did it feel to have the opportunity to showcase your work at Hoxton Hall?

It was an amazing experience to put on an exhibition of my own work. This was the first time I got to sell my work outside of college. It was great to hear from my tutor Eoin that so many people were impressed with my artwork and were interested in buying it.

What inspired you in creating your work?

The project we were doing at the time had to be based around the 1990s. When I was walking along the street and I saw Hoxton Hall – the building that I would be showcasing my work in – I fell in love with it because it’s an old building surrounded by new and modern buildings and it just stood out to me.

Do you feel NCC played a role in this opportunity?

Absolutely! Having this opportunity would not have been possible without the college and the support and guidance from my tutor, so I feel NCC has played a huge part in this achievement.

What are your next steps?

My next steps are to create more artwork and sell it to more people! Also I want to complete my Level 3 course with a high grade and then progress into working in the art and design industry when I leave college.


Find out more about Art & Design courses at New City College.

