Young ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

Improve your English language skills

We provide a range of courses which will help you improve your English language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Our ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) study programme will develop the skills you need to progress to GCSE, A Level and beyond.

Alongside your ESOL course, you can also study the following subjects and take part in work experience, enrichment trips and sports activities.

Subjects include:

  • English
  • Maths
  • IT
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • Employability Skills
  • Catering
  • Digital Arts and Creative Media

We have the highest achievement rates in London for Entry and Level 1 learners. Our ESOL students make excellent progression to vocational and academic subjects.

Award in English

Our ‘brush – up’ courses are perfect if you wish to develop your confidence and basic skills in bite sized pieces. The first 18 week short course is the Award In English. This a non examined qualification which allows you to focus and develop your reading and writing skills through a portfolio of work.

Functional Skills

In the second semester, is our second 18 week course, Functional Skills. This continues the development of your reading, writing and speaking and listening skills and is assessed through an examination. All of our ‘Brush-up’ courses are from Entry Level to Level 1; which will enable you to progress towards GCSE level courses.

GCSE Programme

If you have good basic literacy skills and wish to develop your reading and writing skills to an advanced level, GCSE is right for you.

This is a demanding qualification that concludes with two examinations which are taken in June of the following year. Graded from 1 to 9, a grade 4 or above pass grade is nationally recognised by employers and universities and colleges for access to advanced level courses.

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